
October 2, 2023

Watch These “Outtakes” of NASA Astronauts Struggling To Walk on the Moon

On July 20, 1969, the world watched Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon and deliver the famous line: “This is one small footstep for man and one giant leap for mankind.” Over 50 years later, this remains a defining moment in the scientific field, inspiring many subsequent Moon missions, like the recent Chandrayaan-3 landing. However, NASA's Apollo missions weren't all about work.

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September 13, 2023

Soccer Player Pulls Out UNO Reverse Card After He’s Given a Yellow Card by the Referee

In soccer, nobody enjoys getting a yellow card, even if it’s well deserved after playing too rough or for simply buying time. That’s why soccer stars around the world likely felt avenged by a player who, when carded by the referee during a match, unexpectedly pulled out an UNO reverse card. If you’re not familiar with soccer, yellow cards are a warning from referees.

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August 25, 2023

This Social Media Account Finds Fine Art Pieces That Match Sports Scenes

For many, art and sports are almost opposites. One is elegant, academic, and contemplative, while the other is rowdy, sometimes aggressive, and definitely loud. But a clever social media account is making a visual connection between the two, revealing just how similar they can be. Art But Make It Sports takes some sports images and expertly matches them with an uncannily similar artwork, with hilarious results.

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August 15, 2023

These 18 Funny Signs From an Iconic Texas Restaurant Will Brighten Your Day

Austin's El Arroyo restaurant has been making good use of its marquee sign for over 25 years. Since the early 1980s, the Tex-Mex restaurant has been putting up a fun, witty phrase each day. The original owner started using the sign this way, and the tradition is still going strong. Whether they are silly puns or clever turns of phrase, these witty words are sure to bring a smile to your face.

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