Paper Art

April 3, 2022

Artist Captures Different Animals’ Likeness in Lace-Patterned Paper Cutouts

Look closely at the work of Patrick Cabral and you will find endlessly thoughtful details. His intricate style of paper cutouts resembles the delicate patterns of lace, with layers of white and gold paper perforated with carefully cut circles, rectangles, and other shapes. In this way, he captures the likeness of different species of animals in mesmerizing 3D portraits that look more like digital renderings than paper sculptures.

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March 8, 2022

Ethereal Illumination Brings Three-Dimensional Cut-Paper Worlds to Life

While some paper artists challenge themselves to create work from one sheet of paper, others employ many pieces to make their art. Japanese artist Ayumi Shibata explores the capabilities of this two-dimensional medium by layering numerous pieces of paper cutouts together to create vibrant three-dimensional environments. She then brings these carefully sheared worlds to life by casting an ethereal light over the rows of white paper.

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